Monday, August 01, 2005

There's a FUNGUS AMUNGUS......Maybe......

Three months ago I started having syptoms of 'the change'. Hot flashes, flush feelings, cranky and irritable, migrane headaches.......then I got this rash. I think it has to do with the fact I was sleeping in a puddle every night. It started on my neck, moved down my chest, into my armpits, then on my lower inside arms and inside thighs. GAWD! what the hell is this! I started scratching like I was digging to china. I started doing research online and the only thing I could find looked even close to what I had was a picture of a baby's butt with diaper rash! GOOD GOD! So I started asking around, no one had a clue what I had. Eczema, psorisis, heat rash.......I even went to the message boards and asked there. I found myself sitting with a product called 'butt paste' all over me. Everything I tried helped a little. The best was the tea tree oil but even that stopped after a while. So I started using a regular fungal cream, it helped and the itching went away but not the rashy look.

So I call the doc, he can't see me for a month so I agree to see the nurse practitioner instead. She looks at me from across the room and says I have hives. I'm allergic to something. Ok.....WHAT!? who the heck knows, could be anything. ANYTHING! OMG! She give me some antihistimine and sends me on my way. That does nothing for me and Im worse off then when I started. So I call up the doc a week later....get an appointment a month later! I must see the most busiest doctor on the planet! Im emotional at this point, this rash and itch is litteraly driving me nuts. Im waking up scratching and going to bed scratching. I cut my beautiful nails down to nothing so I wouldn't damage my skin.

So a month has past and my appointment was today. I was nervous, I wanted answers, I was gonna cry if this guy didn't help me. He looks at me and says..Hives, I nearly jumped up and attacked him....he gets closer and says...hmm..looks like a fungus infection. WHEW, FINALLY....AN ANSWER! He prescribes me a prescription antifungal cream and Im off to the drug store. I get home and can't wait to get started healing this aweful rash. I rip into the box, toss it aside, poke open the cap and start slathering myself in the golden wonder cream. I swear I saw rays of light coming from the tube. I finish putting it on every inch of my rash and stand back to look in the mirrior. Suddenly I start to feel an itch.....not the usual itch...and ITCHIER Itch! Oh NO!...ok...Im gonna let it sit for a bit, give it a chance. Jack calls in dinner and we eat, I try to forget about it. I get done eating and look down and I look like someone has scalded my body with hot water. I'm more red then I ever had been and much more itchier.

So here I sit, my bubble bursted and still itching.

