Monday, June 05, 2006

Well here we are again.....A new week. I've vowed to keep myself busy and away from the computer as much as possible. I have so much work stuff to do that I've been putting off for months. Stuff I should have been doing but was to busy avoiding it. Now it's time to crack down and get it all done. It's ok though, it's just what I need to keep myself focused on my life around me.

It finally stopped raining and storming. Well at least for a few days. I think more is expected this week as early as tomorrow. The rain and the storms don't bother me to much. Even a couple tornado warnings aren't to bad, but when you have them everyday for weeks it's enough to drive you nutty. I always panic when they sound the sirens. I don't think I'll ever get used to that sound. I spent the majority of my life in the country. We didn't get sirens to warn us. So I get excited and not in a good way, running about trying to remember what IM suppose to do. Get in the tub? A closet? A place in the center of the building? The north end? South end? Which is it??? arghhhhh! It was easy when I was a kid, you went to the basement. We don't have one here so the rules are so complicated now. And why do men stand outside to watch the tornado that's coming to kill them? How stupid is this? Playing chicken with mother nature, not ME. I think it's far better to run about in a panic indoors trying to decide which room you'd rather be buried alive in.

Over the weekend I stopped at a couple outdoor sales. I love to find a bargain. I ran across a swag lamp and couldn't pass it up. I've been wanting one of these in my living room for years. We get absolutely no light in there except for a floor lamp that does a great job of lighting the ceiling. To bad I'm not up there reading then it would be perfect. I don't know why these things are so hard to find now days, but they are. All the ones I've run across are straight out of the 70's. Including the one I found this weekend. At first sight I thought "it's so brown and ewww", but then I felt my creative side slap me. I knew this would look great when I got done with it so I handed the gal 5 bucks and away I went. A bottle of white paint, some little flowers from the craft section at wally world and an hour later I had the cutest swag lamp ever.

Well I've bored you all enough for today. I hope all of you have a great day and wonderful week full of happiness.
