Friday, June 09, 2006

Today is suppose to be absolutely beautiful. Low temps, sun, cool breeze spotty rain here and there. Today is my short day at work. I'll be able to get some cleaning done before the weekend starts.

Jack is feeling better, I got him laughing yesterday and his pain has been getting much better. I can only hope this will be a great weekend for him. I plan to get him out in the fresh air, a picnic, walk...etc. I'm looking foreword to spending some quality time with him. It's time now for us to heal and set the past behind us.

I've attacked my mysterious rash with tea tree oil again this year and it's showing signs of clearing. I found some homemade tea tree oil soap yesterday and bought the last of what they had. Not only does it help my rash but my head cold has cleared too.

I wanted to take some time in this blog to tell a very special friend of mine that I love her and I think about her everyday. It's all I can do NOT to bug the crap out of her with e-cards and little messages everywhere. I know she reads my blog so I wanted to say to her here that I feel her pain and I'd gladly carry some of that for her if it would help her. My heart aches when I read how much she is hurting and I feel so helpless. I've been in similar darkness and it's a scary place to be.

I want you to know *S*, that it's because of you that my head is up today. It's because of you that I am healing. You listened to me when I needed you and you didn't judge me or make me feel worse then I already did. You were a true friend! If there is anything I can do to repay you just say so and I am there. I love you and just know that my thoughts are with you daily. I pray for you to heal and be well.

Friends, go forth today with a smile on your face. If not for yourself, it will be a gift to another.
