Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dealing with grief at a distance

Today is the day my family back east (Vermont) will have a service for my Grandmother. Tomorrow there will be a time for friends to visit and then she will be taken to the cemetery where her body will be held as they have to wait until spring to bury people. Another burial service will be held in the spring.

The strong urgency to want to be there has to be suppressed. Every time I think of not being able to say goodbye a stream of tears wash down my face. I wanted to be able to touch her hand, tell her goodbye properly. I'll have to settle with doing it from a distance. Today will be the hardest day yet. I'll wait for the phone call from my Aunt telling me how it went, how lovely and peaceful she looked.....

I tried doing some things to get my mind off it, but it only gets worse. I may stay curled up in bed most of the day.
