Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ghost cat?

The oddest thing happen to us today. First it happen to me as I was walking down the hall to the bedroom. I could have sworn one of the cats was right behind me. As I turned the corner I saw that all three were laying on the bed. I shook it off and didn't really think much more of it. Later in the evening Jack said he was coming out of the bathroom and could have sworn Layla was right behind him, he even said something to her and almost tripped trying to avoid stepping on her. Then he realized nothing was there and I was busy feeding all three of them in the kitchen.

So Im wondering now if we have a ghost cat.

If your an avid reader you already know where this is going....don't!

The girls and I sat around the coffee table. I lit some candles and we put our hands together...errr...paws. Gert was really scared at first but then after I promised she could have extra tuna she agreed to stay. Nothing happen and they all three fell asleep 5 min into it. Lazy felines! I spent the better part of the evening making our own weegie board. I thought we'd try again once they all stopped napping and licking themselves.

Once we got focused we tried again. I began to ask questions as we had our fingers/pads on the empty tuna can. "are you a good cat spirit?"......nothing....."what is your name?".........again nothing. The girls were beginning to loose interest. Suddenly the candle flickered and we felt a presence. The tuna can began to move slowly around the board. "are you a good cat?" I asked again.....the can now zooming around the board. It stopped on the letter W. "what is your name"...zoom zoom H. Jack grabbed a note pad and started to write down the letters. "why are you here?" ......O....zoooooom O....I started to get scared and Gert looked as though she was seeing something. The tuna can whizzed around the board again stopping on F. I asked Jack to read it back to us...."what does it say"?? He paused for a moment, looked up at me and said with a puzzled voice "Whoof?"

Ya well Im sick today so that's all the better it gets! *grin*
