Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy New Year!

I never been one to make a new years resolution. I was always horrible at giving something up for lent too. One year I gave up eating candy bars and ate my weight in twix because it says cookie bar. It does!

I do have a few goals I'd like to reach. The all famous lose weight is at the top of the list. We've already gone back to being veggie heads. We don't do it because we are some peta freaks, we do it because Jack's diet is suppose to not contain red meat and you can only eat so much chicken, so one day we said..hey, lets not eat meat. It was amazing how much better we felt. Jack's cholesterol lowered and mine was perfect. Now we just have to exercise more. We slowed down on the exercising, ever since the incident with the yoga ball (which we don't talk about!).

So here is to a new year a comeith..(holding my glass up high)....I hope that everyone I love gets what they deserve first, then may I receive what I desire. I wish only the best to those who are sad and lonely and that they find exactly what they look for. May the world be more peace full in 2006. I wish for wars to end and loved ones come home safe. I hope to be drown in happiness and everlasting love with Jack by my side.

Peace to all my friends!