Friday, November 11, 2005

I now believe in stooperstition

If you read my blog yesterday you will remember the race we had with a black cat. Last night about 10pm there was a knock at the door. I hesitated to even answer it but figured I better. A frantic tenant was standing at my door telling me water was leaking from an upstairs unit and flooding the hallway.

Some new people I had just moved in last friday had taken the lid off the back of thier toilet and the tube that carries the water to the tank had come loose, flipped up and was spraying a steady stream of water into the hallway. It flooded thier hallway, the hallway in the apartment below them and the laundry room next to the downstairs unit. Thank God Jack was with me, I was in a panic running around trying to find our shopvac. It didn't matter though because it was way to much water for us to handle. I ended up calling the carpet cleaners to come suck up the water. The maintenance man will work today even though it's our day off. He has to help get some light fixtures dried out so we don't have electrical problems.

Jack woke thismorning, got ready for work and came to kiss me goodbye. He leaned down and whispered in my ear "baby, next time Im gonna run the cat over". I giggled in my sleepiness and he marched off to work. We're both sleepy from being up late taking care of this problem and hoping the wrath of the black cat is over.
