Sunday, October 30, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Im so glad it's the end of the month. Everything with me is fine. Jack however is another story. As you (my readers) know, Jack was recently diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and authritis in his spine. He has good days and bad days. Recently more bad then good. I am trying to be a good caregiver to him. I get a bit stressed and overwhelmed with everything. I want to take his pain and can't. He's started taking some herbs for his joints, I have my fingers crossed that it gives him some relief over time.
I don't really have anything funny to write about, as there really isn't anything funny happening here. Just a lot of ointment being applied and a lot of therapy on the yoga ball.

I have a lot of people on my list to send positive thoughts to....Please know IM getting to those often. Love to you all!