Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Monday lala la lala

mmmmmm left over ho-made pizza! It just doesn't get any better then this! I can remember when I used to never eat leftovers. I would rather starve then eat something I ate the day before. Im a little less picky now.....But not much, if it's more then a day old I wont eat it.
I was going to try and avoid talking about myself, but one of my friends and fellow bloggers caught something I said in a past blog and wanted to know why I always talk about Jack and funny stuff and never myself. To talk about myself means I have to explain that Im not all that exciting.

In a nut shell:
I like simple and free. If I can make it instead of buy it I will. If I can take an alternative herb instead of a prescription I will. I don't like confrontation but I will stand up for things I strongly believe in. I don't vote I don't care for our government, but I do love this country. I don't eat red meat, I was a vegetarian for several years. Now, I do eat ground turkey in place of red meat dishes, fish and on very rare occasions chicken. I love bread, I love baking bread and I love the way it makes the house smell when Im baking it. I practice alternative healing such as accupressure, herbs, essential oils and I've had acupuncture done and would do it again. I believe the mind can heal the body, but I am not against modern medicine if need be.

My favorite color is red and earth tones. Im usually very quiet and will be quick to crack a joke. I try not to reveal to much of myself to people, I get my feelings hurt easily. I dislike mean people, ruddiness and ignorance. I will walk away from people who possess these qualities. I dislike people who are materialistic and people who think they are better then everyone else. I don't like the Jones' and I never want to be like them. I would rather live next door to Ozzy Osbourne then some upity family. I like to be held when Im sad. My quietness just means I am being careful in my thoughts. I believe in think first, talk last. I found out my foot taste horrible. I say what I mean and mean what I say. If I tell you Im going to do something....I do it. I like to be accountable and trusted. I love intimacy. I love my children with all my heart and am often misunderstood by my family. How do you explain you did what you HAD to to survive ? I love my family more then they know. I wasn't raised in the most huggy and kissy family and I find it hard to show my emotions to them. I will probably die before they ever know how much my heart aches for them and my Children. I often beat myself up over my life choices, but know I did what was best for everyone at the time.

I like to think of myself as a new age hippy. I don't like to conform and do things just because someone says I have too or it's the norm. I don't openly practice a religion even though religion is a big part of my life. I really dislike is the church experience I find it to be fake. I worked in a catholic church, taught 4th grade religion, I saw the behind the scenes BS that goes on and decided I didn't want any part of it. My religion is what I believe and I am spiritual in my own way (what I was taught as a child). On that note, I realy get annoyed at people who preach the bible but only pick and choose which parts they live by. I believe in a higher power (God) that loves me and wants me to do good and will forgive me for my mistakes. My higher power (God) is understanding, loving and generous.

I am very intuitive and often said to be scarily so. I have unexplained dreams that often come to light later. I hate being stressed and I wont allow myself to get in to, around, near or even remotely close to stress. If I find myself in the middle of a stressful situation I will jump ship and leave. Stress will kill you and I wont have any part of it. I often refer to myself as being a drama free woman. Life is to short to sweat the small stuff.

Enough? (That was a big nut shell!)
Good....Cause now IM tired!