Saturday, September 24, 2005

My hard place to fall is broken for a bit

Jack isn't good..........

Every year he goes through this bought of back pain. It's high on his ribs. He says if feels like muscle torn from the bone. He finally got in to see the doctor yesterday and he has ordered an MRI for Jack. This pain started nearly 2 months ago and the last time he had this it was over 3 months before he was better. Jack and I haven't been able to be intimate, nor has Jack been able to sleep in bed with me for sometime. When he does try he ends up getting up in the middle of the night and getting into the recliner. I always wake up alone. A very selfish part of me is wanting him to get better soon for reasons I can't say! But IM sure you can figure out! *smile*

Today we picked up a 'wedge' that he can use in bed to sleep on. We are hoping this helps only time will tell. I feel pretty helpless at times because I can't do anything to make it better. Medicines have not helped at all. The doctor said the MRI will give them an answer and treatment options. Most likely cortisone shot if it's what the doctor thinks.

Hurricane Rita has visited already and less damage then they had thought. All of our friends and family are good and safe. Im glad the out come was better this time around.

I think I've gotten out of my funk a bit, atleast I feel better. Errrr but I hate to talk about me so..........

Well, Im writing this late....and I need to get my shower. Thanks for coming by and please come back when ya can't stay so long. OH>......and don't move if you see me....Im humping everything I see!